WDC2014 Ticket Prices?
As plans for WDC start ramping up for 2014, I posted on the conference twitter account an idea for the prices of tickets for this year:
How do you feel about ticket prices for 2014?
Super Early Birds: £45
Early Birds: £55
Normal Tickets: £75
Students: £60
I've always had the idea that the Super Early Bird tickets are the cheapest for everyone, student or professional and are explicitly limited to 50 tickets.
Once those have gone the Early Birds and Student Tickets (in previous years) have been released at the same time.
The idea this time was to launch the Super Early, followed by the Early and then finally the Normal and Student tickets.
I then got a few responses that suggested people would be up for paying a tiny bit more to reduce the student ticket price to £45 which I'd be more than happy to do.
Why the rise in prices?
I hear some of you ask why the increasing in prices, the answer is simple:
I want to do more with WDC than I can currently. I want to offer workshops and pre-event evening meetups for you the attendees.
These additional events and meet ups will give you a chance to meet new people (and old friends) before the event so that no one gets left out in the cold.
I also want to improve on the little bits and pieces on the day of the event.
The proposal
So based on this information I'm going to suggest the following prices for the main WDC event going forward:
Super Early Birds: £45 (limited to 35)
Early Birds: £60 (limited to 35)
Normal Tickets: £80
Student Tickets: £45
As always I want to hear your opinions, so repsond on twitter: @alexolder or @webdevconf or even drop me an email: alex@webdevconf.com