Speak at WDC2017

A little late but now is the time for you to submit your talk for WDC2017!

This year there are 2 different opportunities for you to speak at the conference. A full 30 minute talk, or a shorter lightening talk.

Lightening talks

Do you have a hobby? Something that (maybe) takes you away from the internet in the evenings or weekends.

I'm on the look out for 3 such talks for this year, they need to be around 15 minutes in length.

Interested? All you need to do is submit a talk outline to speaking@webdevconf.com with the subject Lightening Talk WDC2017, easy.

Lightening talks are open to all, unlike the conference talks where the aim is to introduce new speakers to the world.

If you're interested in submitting a lightening talk please be free in early October to travel to Bristol. If you're chosen to present your talk you'll be given free admission to WDC2017.

Conference talks

As has been the case for a number of years now I am on the look out for new speakers who have never spoken at a conference before but want to get out there and share with the web community their own passion.

If you want the chance to be added to the list all you have to do is email speaking@webdevconf.com with the following:

  • Email Subject: Speaking at WDC2017
  • Title of your proposed talk
  • A short overview of the talk
  • Submit talk by June 30th 2017.

If you can follow these 3 simple steps then I will review your submission and it will help me try and organise everything that's going on for WDC2017.

A couple of notes:

If your talk is aimed at pure promotion of you, or your company/product it stands 0 chance of getting any serious consideration, WDC is not a chance for you to spend 30 minutes going on about how great you/your company is, by all means mention who you are, what you do.

Try and make your talk as unique as possible.

You should be free in early October to travel to Bristol for the conference.

You should be ok with what to expect from speaking at WDC.


Speakers will be chosen based on how talks fit in with the entire WDC event overall and on the day. I do my best to respond to everyone who submits a talk.

Anyone who submits a talk and doesn't get chosen to speak will be given a discount code for a ticket to the event.