(Week 2! I'm on a roll! Just!)
Last year I read maybe 3 books in the entire year. For someone who loves to read that wasn't a great total and I need to do better.
I also had a great plan to read books and catch up on my comics over the Christmas break and that didn't happen, entirely. I did re-read Ready Player One and have started reading Origin by Dan Brown but my comics stayed stack in my office and books I'd purchased to read early on last year stayed on the shelf.
This year I'm going to try and get back to reading a number of books. I'm looking to read at least 15 fiction books along with picking up some business books to help get on with some of my side projects and relaunch Bluefly Digital with a fresh face for 2018.
I'm probably going to re-read some books I already own but I keep an eye on things like reading lists posted by The Verge for an idea of other books I may be interested in.
To achieve this I will be taking time to actually turn off screens and read. Force myself away from my laptop, PC and, the TV to tuck myself away with a book and some music.